RSW unit w/spray chiller

The factory assembled unit includes compressor, condenser and RSW chiller, internally shop piped and wired. The unit will also reduce the installation time onboard. The unit comes in a wide capacity range up to 2000 kW. The screw compressor will have capacity control by variable speed and/or built-in mechanical regulation. The RSW chiller of shell & tube thin film evaporator design will have seawater passing inside the inner tubes and refrigerant evaporating outside, ensuring optimal heat transfer.
Materials in the RSW chiller and condenser are choosen of high anti-corrosion grade, like titanium and cupper nickel.
Ammonia or Halocarbons as refrigerant.
We can offer a wide range of models which will meet all standard classification requirements.

  • Reduced installation time on board
  • Wide capacity range up to 2000 kW
  • Screw compressor with capacity regulation
  • Ammonia as refrigerant
  • Reduced refrigerant charge
  • Shell & tube chiller with seawater inside the tubes and refrigerant evaporating outside
  • Shell & tube condensers
  • Easy cleanable waterside
  • High corrosion resistance with titanium tubes in chiller and condenser
  • Units are shop piped and wired
  • Optional factory mounted insulation

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