Order to the world’s largest wellboat

Order to the world’s largest wellboat

he Norwegian ship owner Frøy Rederi AS is going to build the world’s largest wellboat for transport of live salmon, and Teknotherm has obtained the order for delivering the RSW refrigeration plant to this vessel.

The vessel will be built at Sefine Shipyard in Turkey as newbuild no. 43. The design will be by Møre Maritime AS. Teknotherm’s customer will be Cflow Fish Handling AS, which is going to deliver the complete fish handling equipment. The RSW refrigeration system will be a part of their total delivery to the shipyard.

The vessel will be 83,72 m long, 30,8 m wide, and have a space for 7.500 m3 of water in the tanks. The RSW refrigeration plant will have a total capacity of appr. 3 x 3500 kW.

Delivery of equipment will be in august 2020.

You will find a virtual presentation of the vessel with further information here.